February 18, 2014 – We’ve been a bit quiet as we gear up for the next step so it seemed like a good time to update you all. Trust us, we’ve been working feverously on many new things. We’ve been listening to your comments and concerns, good and bad, and we’ve been using that information to make a better product.
The biggest complaint we’d been receiving was with the website. We got the old site up and running shortly before NAMM, too late to make all of the necessary changes for complete browser compatibility. Since the gear from the show wouldn’t arrive for a couple of weeks, that was the first priority. Hope you like the new site, we certainly do.
We were so excited to get clips up so you could actually hear the beast in action (after all, it doesn’t mean anything if it doesn’t sound good), when tragedy struck. We unpacked our rack to find every single piece of gear damaged from an impact. The worst part is, someone tried to cover it up instead of notifying us and now we are basically stuck waiting for the formal “investigation”, i.e. “How can we get out of paying you for the damages”. The very second we can finally move, we are ready to record clips. So stayed tuned, this won’t be much longer. We sincerely apologize to anyone who has been waiting patiently.
The second most common comment was that the MGP-1A’s 3U form factor was too big. The 3U size was a hold over from the very first prototype, and we kept using this size on subsequent prototypes mostly so you aren’t bumping buttons and knobs accidentally from a tightly packed panel. But we heard your desire for 2U enough to gave it a look and see if it’s something we could do while still managing an airy, easy to use layout. So…
We’ll leave you there for now. There’s much coming your way.
Thank you all for your support thus far everyone!